Ghorepani Poonhill trek

Ghorepani Poonhill trek, also known as Annapurna Skyline trek, is a middle hill trekking in the Annapurna region. In terms of distance and pace of walk this trek is considered short and easy, though one has to walk uphill and through rhododendron forests. It is recommended for those who are looking for a few days to be up close with nature, without serious ascents. There is no risk of altitude sickness on this trek as the trail begins at lower elevations and is less demanding. Any trekking enthusiasts can do this trekking throughout the year except in the monsoon season (July to August).

The trek starts from the beautiful Modi Khola River, after an hour’s drive from Pokhara. After crossing the suspension bridge over the river Modhi Khola, we ascend through Gurung villages (one of the ethnic villages in Nepal) and farmed terraces having enjoyed the views of Mount Machhapuchare during the trek. We walk gently uphill mostly through the rhododendron forests before we reach Ghorepani. Upon arrival at Ghorepani, you wake up next day early morning to climb the nearby Poon hill to enjoy the spectacular view of the Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Nilgiri and other famous mountains of the region. As the sun rises at early dawn, the snow-capped summits of the Himalayan giants-Dhaulagiri (8,167m) and Annapurna I (8,091m) along with a maze of other peaks, slowly begin to appear before our eyes.

Every spring between March and May you find the forests in full bloom with the Rhododendrons at the setting of panoramic high mountains on the skyline. This is, indeed, a rewarding trek that can be enjoyed by every lover of nature and families with children in a short holiday in Nepal. One has to walk just 4-5 hours a day and spend nights at the comfortable lodges. From local to continental food are served in the teahouses along the trailside.